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How to write an effective description of your business

Use your business’s description to highlight important information, like your business’s key features, information about the sale, and context for less-than-favorable information.

Your listing’s description is the first way buyers will seek more information about your business before considering whether or not they will request to match with you. A listing’s description can be the differentiating factor between whether a buyer requests to match with you or not. Below are some tips on how to write a compelling description, as well as what to include. 

1. Use proper grammar 
Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and complete sentences for your description. Proper grammar makes your description appear more professional and legible.

2. Highlight key features
Expand upon or include information about the business’ key features. You can add information to expand upon specific information such as your company's size, structure, industry, day-to-day operations, and more.

3. Provide information on you as a seller and the deal
This could include a summary of your history as the business owner, whether or not you are open to seller financing, or certain features of your business embedded within the sale (real estate, upgraded equipment or machinery, etc.). Keep your summary brief and concise while keeping any confidential information private. Remember that your listing is not private–open to the public and potential competitors. 

4. Proactive
Include additional information to answer prospective buyers' questions ahead of time. This may include information about how long your business has been in operation or why you have decided to sell your business. Any information that you believe would help the buyer make the decision to reach out.

5. Provide context to potential company pitfalls
Include context even for less-than-favorable information in your listing. For example, perhaps your business had a financial downturn for a particular reason. Be sure to explain this if applicable.

6. Remain confidentiality
Most importantly, for all information included in your listing's description, be sure it does not violate your confidentiality. 

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